
I found all our group sessions were helpful and interesting. I particularly enjoyed the group exercises and discussions as well as the different activities that were included to facilitate the learning. Sessions were delivered at the right pace for thorough understanding. I found the entire course delivery very helpful.

Isam Shaheen Diploma final year 2023.

I find the contents and quality of material presented to be very stimulating and beneficial. I was able to understand most, and it was easy to ask questions. The skills practice helped me immensely to apply what I learned. I am so glad I signed up to this course; thank you so much for what you have taught us. It was very helpful for having Steph with us occasionally.

Tim Bush Diploma final year 2023.

The quality of the sessions has been of a high standard. The material, thought provoking and lead to an exploration of self throughout the course. The method of delivery is one that I have found really helpful given the aspect of neurodiversity I have. The environment is one that has made me feel welcome, valued, and accepted. It is an environment in which I have for the first time felt safe and comfortable enough to be able to learn.

Darren Atkins Diploma 1st year 2023.

Great, concise, clear, informative slides. Great delivery by tutors, always a chance to ask questions.                                                                  

Pamela Whitlock Diploma 1st year 2023.

Maninder & Steph offer exceptional lessons and bring phenomenal knowledge and support. It’s a wonderful experience.                                        

Alix Pickles Diploma 1st year 2023.

The teaching sessions were great, a perfect mix of theory and practice giving the opportunity to learn in a number of different ways. Stephanie delivered the skills section with clarity, professionalism, and encouragement- which really helped to build confidence in that part of the course. The theory delivered by Maninder was thought provoking and made clear some complex material. I think the quality of the materials and the delivery were great!

Kate Baker L3 Skills 2023.

Quality of the teaching was very good. Steph and Maninder work excellently together to form the sessions. Both are knowledgeable, approachable, and you feel confident in learning from them. I have learned a lot from the course. No regrets, would highly recommend.                                 

Craig Palmer L3 Skills 2023.

I really enjoyed how Steph and Maninder worked together to deliver this course. Because of such a positive experience on the level 3 counselling skills course it has made me want to go on to do my level 4 diploma and given me the belief in myself that I can.

Julie Bickers L3 Skills 2023.

“Maninder provides a high standard of professional supervision that enables me to effectively monitor and review the quality of my work as well as my clients’ progress. I truly value our productive working relationship and I trust his experience. The core conditions that I receive have been inspirational in allowing me to stand back and reflect and to re-engage and search for new options. Working with Maninder is an enriching experience because he is interested in helping supervisees recognise and develop their own unique style.” Top qualities: Personable, Expert, High Integrity.”

Colleen Swinden

Maninder is a thoroughly professional Counselling tutor, who knows the subject matters he teaches inside out. Maninder creates a good working environment for the learning of his students and is approachable.


“Maninder is a very knowledgeable and intelligent man, who has a gift and ability to impart his knowledge to others. He was my inspiration to become a qualified counsellor, he was my Tutor at Walsall College for about 5 years, I feel indebted towards him as He supported me through some difficult times personally, and was a big influence over my increase in self esteem, and my determination to complete my Diploma successfully.” Thanks Maninder

Julia Meads